Landed in Brooksville FL. Three hours tomorrow to Naples. Had horrific downpours outside Ocala thank goodness they didn’t last long. Crossed the FL boarder with 3131 miles put on the car since Poulsbo WA Tuesday the 21st. She’s a good car… Can’t wait to hit the beach tomorrow even it’s it’s only to dip my feet, we still have alot to do when we get there. Find storage facility, move in, register car, etc…
Category: Uncategorized
Day 8
Murfreesboro TN to Macon GA…First time driving in the rain.. big thunderstorm hit Murfreesboro at 4 am and shook the place. Stopped raining by Chattanoga TN, it could have been alot worse… We are in the south now… good and bad, Rednecks, biscuits, humidity but, nice, polite and friendly.. Haven’t been in the humidity like this in a very long time, WOW. Now in eastern time zone. Tomorrow Brooksville Fl. Put 3000 miles on the car.
Forgot to mention the we stopped at Harrah’s on the Missouri River on Sunday in MO and then aother Harrah’s on the Ohio River in Il. Both were nice, it is Harrah’s, our favorite, but very different from Las Vegas.
Day 7
Murfreesboro TN was nice, an unbeleivable thunderstorm came through at 4 am and shook the place. The drive was uneventful,
Day 6
In Mount Vernon ILL tonight, tomorrow Murfreeboro..Saw a billboard in Missouri today for Duluth Trading Co… Crouch without the ouch… Ballroom Jeans, it went over my head Bob explained it to me. check out the longtail t’s the cure for plumbers
We’ve been able to stay just behind the storms so far…