March is National Crochet Month and all month long I get to visit 2 designers blogs a day through blog. What a great idea this is….
I, in honor of NatCroMo have filled 4 display cases at my local library, this coincides with their books and posters for National Craft Month (it will always be NatCroMo to me….pictures to follow. I have met a very talented crocheter here in SW FL. Joan Stewart, she designs and teaches crocheting with strips of cotton to make rugs, hats, purses. She partnered with me for the library display. I have to thank the ladies of my knitting group (I know, most of us crochet too!) for lending me their cherished grandmother’s crocheted pieces to display.
Category: Uncategorized
Summer Fun
New Year 2013
It’s New Years Eve and as I write this and think back over the past year it’s been beyond anything I would have thought.. We have been living in Florida for 18 months and have started to feel like we live here and are not visitors.
My crochet life has taken off in unexpected ways. My first pattern accepted by a magazine will be in Crochet Spring 2013, another 3 pc toddler set was accepted with Crochet World for April 2013. A shrug and a Father’s Day set are coming out in the June Crochet World 2013.
I also experience my first Stitches Show at Stitches East in Hartford CT this past October, I happen to spend my 50th Birthday there and it was totally unplanned but the best birthday weekend I ever had.
I have been accepted as an Associate Professional Crochet of America Guild member with Margaret Hubert as my mentor. Although many people I have met and continue to meet teach me everyday.
I hope to keep this blog going with my crochet happenings. It’s a pleasure to enjoy a craft I learned at age 9 from grandma and have it be so rewarding.
Our Field Trip to Sarasota
Some of the knit/cro group went on a field trip to A Good Yarn Shop. Sarasota is 1 hour and 45 minutes away. I’ve added their web site and Berroco Yarn to my link area. I purchased the new Cascade Yarn 220 fingering, Berroco Vintage (made a scarf for mom), and a beautiful fingering pima cotton 1000 yards (company escapes me)I have no ideas for that yet. The shop has excellent help and selection. The wall of yarn in the picture is yarn exclusively dyed by Madeline Tosh Yarns and Three Irish Girls for this shop. I can’t wait to go back… NEVER ENOUGH YARN.
The ?? mean I really don’t have a name, I find that’s one of the hardest things to come up with. The next pictures are what I’m currently working on. It’s made with a fine lace hand painted tencel. It will be a shell/cami probably with a drape neck, we’ll see when I get that far. The body is made as one pieces like a tube. Then I will fasten off and add the front and back armhole/shoulders separately.